Here’s a table showing the estimated price of Irani Petrol in different regions of Pakistan:
Region | Irani Petrol Price (PKR/Liter) | Notes |
Balochistan (border areas) | 180 – 200 | Common in border towns, available at informal stations |
Karachi | 200 – 220 | Typically sold in small, unauthorized outlets |
Interior Sindh | 200 – 210 | Prices vary based on supply and distance from borders |
Punjab (remote areas) | 210 – 230 | Irani petrol is less commonly available |
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa | 190 – 210 | Prices fluctuate, informal market |
Note: Irani petrol prices fluctuate frequently and vary depending on supply routes and availability in specific regions. These prices are approximate and typically lower than officially regulated fuel
The price of 1 liter of petrol in Iran today is 2243.85 Iranian Rials per liter, which is equivalent to 15.11 pakistani rupees.
Petrol price in Iran today in USD is 0.053 USD per Litre as per October 16, 2024. Latest Petrol price in Iran today in Pakistani Rupees is 15.11 Rs. per Litre.
Fuel Type | Price USD | Price PKR | Date Updated |
Petrol Price in Iran | 0.053 USD/Ltr | 15.11 Rs./Ltr | 2023-20-10 |
As of October 2024, Irani petrol reaching Pakistan is not sold nationally in an overt manner since, in most cases, it reaches the country through informal or unauthorized channels and even cheaper than the fuel local to the destination. Official Petrol Prices, including regular petrol, in Pakistan have recently decreased. As of October 1, 2024, the official rate for standard petrol is Rs 247.03 per liter.
The dynamics around Irani petrol often tend to be lower in price, and available either in specific border regions or through informal markets but may be less stable than through official pricing channels. For updated and more detailed information,