Iran Petrol Price Today in Rupees: 1 liter Petrol price in Iran

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Are you curious about the Iran petrol price today in rupees? Iran is one of the largest oil-producing countries in the world, and its petrol prices have a significant impact on the global market. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to understanding the current petrol prices in Iran, their impact on the global market, and what the future holds for this valuable resource.

Iran Petrol Price Today in Rupees | 1 liter Petrol price in Iran | petrol price in iran

The price of 1 liter of petrol in Iran today is 2243.85 Iranian Rials per liter, which is equivalent to 15.11 pakistani rupees.

Petrol price in Iran today in USD is 0.053 USD per Litre as per July 27, 2024. Latest Petrol price in Iran today in Pakistani Rupees is 15.11 Rs. per Litre.

Fuel TypePrice USDPrice PKRDate Updated
Petrol Price in Iran0.053 USD/Ltr15.11 Rs./Ltr2023-20-10

1 liter Petrol price in Iran today 15.11 Rs./Ltr

Introduction petrol price in iran

Iran is a major producer of oil, with significant reserves that play a crucial role in the global energy market. The price of petrol in Iran is an essential factor that affects not only the country’s economy but also the global market. This article will provide you with insights into Iran’s petrol prices and their impact.

Iran’s oil production and reserves

Iran is the fourth-largest producer of oil in the world, with an estimated production of 3.3 million barrels per day. The country has the world’s fourth-largest reserves of crude oil, which is a valuable resource that is critical to the global economy. Iran’s oil industry is primarily managed by the state-owned National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), which oversees all aspects of the country’s oil and gas sector.

Understanding the Iran petrol market

The Iran petrol market is dominated by the government, which sets the prices of petrol and diesel in the country. The government controls the supply of petrol and diesel and regulates the import and export of oil products. The country has a significant refining capacity, with several refineries that produce a wide range of oil products.

Factors affecting Iran petrol prices

Several factors affect Iran petrol prices, including fluctuations in the global oil market, geopolitical tensions, supply and demand, and government policies. The price of crude oil is the primary determinant of petrol prices in Iran. When crude oil prices rise, the cost of producing and refining petrol also increases, leading to higher petrol prices.

Current Iran petrol prices in rupees

As of december 2023, the price of petrol in Iran is approximately 2243.85 Iranian Rials per liter, which is equivalent to 15.11 pakistani rupees. However, petrol prices in Iran fluctuate due to changes in the global oil market, government policies, and supply and demand.

iran petrol price today in rupees
iran petrol price today in rupees

Impact of Iran petrol prices on the global market

Iran is a significant player in the global oil market, and its petrol prices have a significant impact on the prices of crude oil and other oil products. When Iran increases its petrol prices, it can lead to higher prices for consumers worldwide, as the cost of producing and transporting goods increases. Similarly, when Iran lowers its petrol prices, it can lead to a decrease in global prices.

Future of Iran petrol prices

The future of Iran petrol prices depends on several factors, including the country’s economic and political situation, global oil prices, and changes in government policies. Iran is facing numerous challenges, including economic sanctions, political instability, and a decline in oil production. These factors may lead to increased petrol prices in the future.

How Iran petrol prices affect the economy

Petrol prices in Iran have a significant impact on the country’s economy, as the government heavily subsidizes the petrol and diesel prices. When petrol prices rise, it can lead to increased inflation and higher costs of living for Iranian citizens. Moreover, as the country heavily relies on oil revenues, fluctuations in petrol prices can

Moreover, as the country heavily relies on oil revenues, fluctuations in petrol prices can impact Iran’s economy significantly. For example, when crude oil prices drop, the government’s revenue decreases, and it may lead to a budget deficit. source:


In conclusion, Iran is a significant player in the global oil market, and its petrol prices have a significant impact on the global economy. The current petrol price in Iran is approximately 2243.85 Iranian Rials per liter, equivalent to 15.11 pakistani rupees. However, the future of Iran petrol prices is uncertain, and it depends on several factors, including the country’s economic and political situation, global oil prices, and changes in government policies.


  1. What is the current petrol price in Iran? The current petrol price in Iran is approximately 2243.85 Iranian Rials per liter, which is equivalent to 15.11 Indian rupees.
  2. Why does Iran heavily subsidize petrol prices? Iran heavily subsidizes petrol prices to make it affordable for Iranian citizens and to reduce the impact of inflation and higher costs of living.
  3. How do Iran petrol prices affect the global market? Iran petrol prices have a significant impact on the global market, as Iran is a significant player in the global oil market. When Iran increases its petrol prices, it can lead to higher prices for consumers worldwide, and when it lowers its petrol prices, it can lead to a decrease in global prices.
  4. What factors affect Iran petrol prices? Several factors affect Iran petrol prices, including fluctuations in the global oil market, geopolitical tensions, supply and demand, and government policies.
  5. What is the future of Iran petrol prices? The future of Iran petrol prices is uncertain, and it depends on several factors, including the country’s economic and political situation, global oil prices, and changes in government policies.

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